Video from our Live Talks LA event with @IJasonAlexander now on @Bio website

Video from our wonderful evening with Jason Alexander at The Aero Theatre is now available to view exclusively on, the Biography Channel’s website. Biography is a sponsor of Live Talks Los Angeles.

Fabulous interview with Val Zavala, host of SoCal Connected on KCET covering is his career on stage, television and film.  You can watch it here.


Some questions with Jane Lynch…Lynch interviews Amy Poehler Feb 12 at Live Talks Los Angeles @janemarielynch

We’re very much looking forward to our event with Jane Lynch interviewing Amy Poehler on Sunday, February 12 at The Aero Theatre.  Event info here.   We featured Lynch in conversation with Adam Scott last October when her memoir, Happy Accidents, came out.  Hilarious evening. Here’s the video.  The image to the left is the poster from the event.

Our event with Amy Poehler and Jane Lynch supports the Adopt the Arts Foundation who’s mission is to bring together well-known artists, public figures, business, and the general public to save the arts in America’s public schools. Adopt the Arts is raising money to keep arts education in public schools in Los Angeles.

We caught up with Jane Lynch to answer some questions…

You recently did a PSA for arts in schools. How did you get involved with supporting arts in schools?  What was the arts program like when you were in school?

My daughter goes to a public school in LA and we have a very active parent’s organization to raise the funds needed for  art and music programs which the state no longer pays for. Not every public school is able to raise the money so Matt Sorum (Guns and Roses) and others asked me to join a brand new organization called Adopt the Arts to fund these programs to other public schools in LA.  My refuge in high school was the hour I spent every day in choir.

What was your favorite TV show when you were in highschool?

My favorite TV show in high school was The Brady Bunch which was actually in re-runs at that time.

What’s your favorite of the Oscar nominated movies?

The Artist, The Iron Lady

What’s a day of relaxation like in Lynch/Embry household?

Playing with our dogs and eating Lara’s fabulous cooking!

Favorite fiction author of all time?

John Irving

What are a couple books you’ve recently read that you really liked?

Girls Like Us, Sheila Weller
The Paleo Solution, Robb Wolf

What book are you looking forward to read?

Geting back to and finishing Walter Isaacson’s Steve Jobs book which I started over Xmas.

If you could travel back in time to meet any famous person, who would you choose? 

Greta Garbo
Abraham Lincoln
Carole King circa 1970
Theodore Roosevelt
Benjamin Franklin

Which five notable people from history do you think could work together to achieve world peace? 

I don’t think any one from the past present or future including Jesus Christ, the Buddha or  Ghandi, can make a place peaceful if the people are determined to fight and defend and see “other” and the enemy.