Senior Executive Editor, Global Technology
Bloomberg News
Special Correspondent for Vanity Fair
The Upstarts: How Uber, Airbnb, and the Killer Companies of the New Silicon Valley Are Changing the World
Ann and Jerry Moss Theatre
New Roads School
Herb Alpert Educational Village
3131 Olympic Boulevard
Santa Monica, CA 90404
$45 Reserved Section seat + a copy of The Upstarts
$20 General Admission Seat
$95 Reception (6:30-7:30pm) + Reserved Section Seat
+ copy of The Upstarts
Brad Stone is senior executive editor of global technology at Bloomberg News and the author of the New York Times bestseller The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon. He has covered Silicon Valley for more than 15 years and lives in San Francisco.
“Brad Stone gives us a lively, fascinating picture of the new new thing in technology—startups like Uber and Airbnb that are disrupting old businesses across the world. He provides a much needed glimpse into the companies that fail as well as the ones that make it big. And he points to the broad policy issues raised by these new technologies, which are surely no fun for the people whose lives are being disrupted.”—Fareed Zakaria, author of The Post-American World and host of CNN’S “Fareed Zakaria GPS”
The world today is vastly different than it was even ten years ago, and it is due to the upstarts. In THE UPSTARTS, Brad Stone provides the rollicking narrative that shows the how our latest–and perhaps greatest–technological wave was born.
Nick Bilton is a Special Correspondent for Vanity Fair, where he writes about technology, politics, business and culture. He is also a contributor to CNBC, and a former columnist and reporter for The New York Times.
He has written three books, including The New York Times bestseller, Hatching Twitter, which chronicled the turmoil and chaos inside Twitter as it grew from a fledgling startup to a multi-billion dollar company. The book is currently being turned into a TV show for Lionsgate.
His next book, American Kingpin, will be published in May, 2017. The book tells epic story of the hunt for the Dread Pirate Roberts, who created The Silk Road marketplace, which sold guns and drugs on the dark web.
Over the years, Bilton’s columns and articles have led to investigations by the U.S. government, and helped press the Federal Aviation Administration to overturn a rule requiring people to turn off devices during takeoff and landing.