Wednesday, May 21, 2014
8:00pm (Reception 6:30-7:30pm)
An Evening with Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner
in conversation with Lisa Napoli
Think Like a Freak: How to Solve Problems,
Win Fights and Be a Slightly Better Person
All Saints Church-Beverly Hills
504 North Camden Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
$20 General Admission — SOLD OUT
$30 Reserved Seats — SOLD OUT
$40 Includes Levitt and Dubner’s new book + Reserved Seats — SOLD OUT
$95 includes reserved seating + pre-event reception + the book – SOLD OUT
Steven D. Levitt is a professor of economics at the University of Chicago and a recipient of the John Bates Clark Medal, awarded to the most influential economist under the age of forty. He is also founder of The Greatest Good, a company that applies Freakonomic principles to philanthropy and business.
Stephen J. Dubner, a former writer and editor at The New York Times Magazine, is the author of Turbulent Souls (Choosing My Religion), Confessions of a Hero-Worshiper, and the children’s book The Boy with Two Belly Buttons.
The Freakonomics brand is bigger than ever. In addition to selling more than 5 million books worldwide, the Levitt and Dubner have established Freakonomics radio (#1 podcast on iTunes), the Freakonomics blog and website (2 million page views per month) and a Twitter feed with over half a million followers.
The revolutionary geniuses and #1 New York Times bestselling authors behind the Freakonomics phenomenon unveil essential tools that will allow you to—“think like a freak”—to see the world more unconventionally, and ultimately, more clearly.
In their smash #1 international bestseller Freakonomics, Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner showed the world that applying counterintuitive approaches to everyday problems can bear surprising results.
In their new book, they turn your brain inside out, teaching you how to think like a freak. Levitt and Dubner analyze the decisions we make, the plans we create, and the morals we choose and show how their insights can be applied to daily life to make smarter, harder, and better decisions.
Dubner and Levitt advocate for a different way to solve problems by showing readers a totally new way to approach them. Along the way, they share stories of real people who have broken out of the box and tackled problems with innovative techniques, including an unlikely eating competitor from Japan who learned to crush the competition (and eat 50 hot dogs in 12 minutes), the doctor who discovered the cure for ulcers (by infecting himself with bacteria), the computer scientists who fight against online bank scammers (ever get one of those pesky emails about a Nigerian bank account?), and so many more.
Lisa Napoli is a journalist and author. She was a reporter and back-up host for public radio show Marketplace. She covered the Internet revolution and the cultural impact of technology as a columnist and staff reporter for the New York Times’ CyberTimes, and as a correspondent for MSNBC. In her 25 year career in media, she has also worked for CNN. She is author of RADIO SHANGRI-LA: What I Learned in Bhutan, the Happiest Kingdom on Earth. Presently, she is does arts and cultural stories for NPR affiliate KCRW. Visit her website.