Note from a happy customer….at Jason Alexander event…

We share an excerpt from a happy customer at Live Talks Los Angles, who attended our Jason Alexander event.  Here’s the video of the event.

The Jason Alexander talk was amazing. My husband, who is a fellow USC grad and also attended the event, is a huge Seinfeld fan. No joke, me watching (and loving) every episode of Seinfeld was a basic requirement in order for us to date. We first saw the event advertised because we were lucky enough to attend the Michael Caine Live Talk before (which was another amazing evening). It was a life long dream of his to see Jason Alexander in person…..The talk itself was amazing. Mr. Alexander was intelligent and well spoken, and it was helpful to hear him talk about new media in the way that he did – as an opportunity to explore and try things out, instead of thinking of it as the end all and be all of where media is going. It was also of course thrilling to hear him recount tales from Seinfeld and Broadway days, and I always find those types of stories encouraging because often times it makes me feel like success isn’t as impossible to reach as it may seem right now. Everyone has kind of been in similar positions when they are starting out. It was also wonderful to hear Mr. Alexander discuss his thoughts on the Middle East situation, and how the group he’s associated with is trying to bridge the gap, and how respectfully they’ve used their celebrity participants. It was a whole view point of marketing that I had never thought about. — Cat Youell via email

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