Past Events

June 27

Frances Haugen with Brian Merchant

Join us for an in-person & virtual Live Talks Los Angeles event: Tuesday, June 27, 2023, 8pm . Presented in association with New Roads School Frances Haugen in conversation with Brian Merchant discussing her book, The Power of One: How I Found the Strength to Tell the Truth and Why I Blew the Whistle on Facebook  .…

June 26

Michael Milken with Frank Luntz

After two decades of actively supporting medical research as a philanthropist, Milken became a patient in 1993 when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Over the last three decades, he has increased his focus on making the research process more effective and efficient.

June 14

An Evening with

Richard North Patterson

Join us for an in-person & virtual Live Talks Los Angeles event: Wednesday, June 14, 2023, 8pm . Presented in association with New Roads School An Evening with Richard North Patterson* *interviewer to be announced discussing the writing life and his novel, Trial . Ann and Jerry Moss Theatre at New Roads School Herb Alpert Educational Village 3131…

May 31

Daniel Siegel with Luthern Williams

Join us for a virtual Live Talks Los Angeles event: Wednesday, May 31, 2023, 6pm PT/9pm ET . Daniel Siegel  in conversation with Luthern Williams discussing his book, IntraConnected: MWe (Me + We) as the Integration of Self, Identity, and Belonging . Virtual event only (May 31) Tickets can be purchased here. TICKETS: $40 virtual…

May 24

Andy Cohen with Danielle Schneider & Casey Wilson

New York Times bestselling author Andy Cohen, everyone’s favorite busiest man in show business, goes from bottle service to baby bottles in a hilarious, heartwarming, and name-dropping account of the most important year of his life.

May 22

Andrew Rannells with Danielle Schneider (Cancelled)

From the star of The Book of Mormon and Girls, candid, hilarious essayson anxiety, ambition, and the uncertain path to adulthood that ask: How will we know when we get there?

May 16

Dave Barry with Paul Levine

Pulitzer Prize–winning New York Times bestselling author and actual Florida Man Dave Barry returns with a Florida caper full of oddballs and more twists and turns than a snake slithering away from a gator.

May 15

Rainn Wilson with Valarie Kaur

Actor, producer, writer, and New York Times bestselling author Rainn Wilson, cofounder of the media company SoulPancake, explores the benefits of spirituality as a means to creating solutions for an increasingly challenging world. .

May 15

Simon Winchester with Ted Habte-Gabr

Join us for an in-person & virtual Live Talks Los Angeles event: Monday, May 15, 2023, 8pm . An Evening with Simon Winchester in conversation with Ted Habte-Gabr, Founder & Producer of Live Talks Los Angeles . discussing his book,  Knowing What We Know: The Transmission of Knowledge: From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Magic .. William…

May 11

Laura Dern & Diane Ladd with Cleo Wade

What happens when we are brave enough to speak our truths to the ones we love the most? Join award-winning actress and activist Laura Dern and her mother, legendary actress Diane Ladd, for a deeply personal conversation on love, art, ambition, and legacy, inspired by her own heart-to-hearts.