Sunday, September 28, 2014
Michael Cho
in conversation with Chip Kidd
discussing his debut graphic novel, Shoplifter
William Turner Gallery
Bergamot Station Arts Center
2525 Michigan Avenue,
Santa Monica, CA 90404
$19.95 — Two Reserved Seats (for the price of the book you get two reserved seats)
*Note this event is the first in our “Newer Voices” series, pairing debut authors and newer voices with more established authors and storytellers. We encourage you to support these newer voices and purchase their books. Do so, and we will reserve two seats for you. General Admission tickets for this event are free.
>Read a review of Shoplifter in the Los Angeles Times by David Ulin
MICHAEL CHO is an illustrator, cartoonist, and writer whose previously published work includes Back Alleys and Urban Landscapes, a collection of sketches depicting Toronto’s cityscape. Born in South Korea, he has lived in Canada since he was six. Visit his blog.
Corrina Park used to have big plans. Studying English literature in college, she imagined writing a successful novel and leading the idealized life of an author. After graduation, she moved to a big city and took a job at an advertising agency—just to pay off her student loans. Now she’s worked in the same office for five years and the only thing she’s written is . . . copy. She longs for companionship (other than her cat),gets no satisfaction from her job, and feels numbed by the monotony of a life experienced through a series of screens. But whenever she shoplifts a magazine from the corner store near her apartment, she feels a little, what? A little more alive. Yet Corrina knows there must be something more to life, and she faces the same question as does everyone of her generation: how to find it?
CHIP KIDD is the four-time Eisner Award–winning designer and author of Batman: Animated, Peanuts: The Art of Charles M. Schulz, and Mythology: The DC Comics Art of Alex Ross. As an editor of graphic novels for Pantheon Books, he has worked with some of the very best talents in the medium, including Chris Ware, Dan Clowes, Art Spiegelman, Charles Burns, and David Mazzucchelli. Kidd is also the recipient of the National Design Award for Communications, the design industry’s highest honor. His first graphic novel as author is Batman: Death by Design, published by DC Comics and featuring art by Dave Taylor.