More from Q&A with Anne Rice: On when her son first became an author…

Another video clip from our interview with Anne Rice.  We asked her about her son becoming an author.  Was this something she encouraged or particularly nurtured?  Christopher will be interviewing Anne on January 6th at Zipper Hall at The Colburn School. He is the author of five New York Times best-selling novels, the most recent of which is the psychological thriller, Moonlit Earth. He published his first book when he was 22.

Q&A with Anne Rice: Can writing be taught?

Anne Rice

Part of our ongoing interview questions with Anne Rice.  Anne Rice appears at Live Talks Los Angeles on January 6 at Zipper Hall at The Colburn School on January 6. Tell your friends and help us support the West Hollywood Public Library. From their site:

“As the City of West Hollywood celebrates its 25th anniversary, we are creating  a new modern-day town hall with the construction of LibraryPark. This major new civic centerpiece and cultural landmark will serve our community now and for generations to come. With the support of people like you and all our community members, we are creating a library and park that will reflect West Hollywood’s unique identity and provide much needed resources.”

In today’s question, we ask Anne Rice if writing can be taught?  Tomorrow, if she has a favorite ‘library moment.’  Enjoy the video…..